This soup isn't spectacular, but it's nice for a winter evening. It has a rustic old-world taste, but the broccoli brightens it up.
I have two big glass "veggie bowls." I like to fill the bowls to the brim with veggies to steam.
These steamed veggies have no idea they're about to become a lot more close...
I didn't use my immersion blender because I wanted the soup really smooth,
plus I needed to use my regular blender for the walnuts anyway.
Lots of herbs! The more, the merrier.
There's my beautiful soup, ready to be dished up. The steamed broccoli is so bright!
After I jarred up my soups for lunches, I didn't have a full serving left for dinner.
The potatoes there were about to become pizza potatoes. They have nothing to do with the soup,
but they were so cheerful and my soup cup was lonely, so I let them join the photo.
Walnut Soup with Broccoli
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
3 stalks celery
½ cup walnuts
3 cups water
2 crowns broccoli
1 tsp each thyme, sage, and savory
¼ tsp celery seed
black pepper
1. Chop the broccoli and set aside. Ideally, you want to let it sit at least 30 minutes. This gives the enzymes time to activate and you get more nutritional benefit.
2. Chop the onion, garlic, and celery. Put them in a saucepan with a little water so they can steam over medium high heat. Once tender, turn off and let veggies cool a little.
3. Blend the walnuts with 1 cup of water. Once smooth, add the onions, garlic, and celery to the blender. Blend again, adding more water as needed.
4. Return soup to saucepan. Bring to a simmer. Add seasonings.
5. Lightly steam broccoli. Add to soup and let simmer a few more minutes so the flavors can meld. Don't overcook or you'll get mushy broccoli. It's nice when it's still a little crisp. Add water to soup to get to desired thinness, if needed.
Makes about 4 servings.